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David O’Leary is a wealth management expert, impact investment professional, public speaker, and writer. David spends his time as Founder & Principal of Kind Wealth, a virtual family office helping business owners optimize their finances and maximize their return on life.
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98 Words | 637 Characters with Spaces
David O’Leary is a wealth management expert, impact investment professional, public speaker, and writer. David spends his time as Founder & Principal of Kind Wealth, a virtual family office helping business owners optimize their finances and maximize their return on life.
In addition to hosting The Impact Investing Podcast, David is a frequent speaker at conferences and in the media (The Globe & Mail, Toronto Star, National Post, BNN Bloomberg, CNBC Africa, etc.). David holds a BA in English Literature from the University of Toronto, an MBA from the Rotman School of Business, and the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) designation.
Long Form
163 Words | 1088 Characters with Spaces
David O’Leary is a wealth management expert, impact investment professional, public speaker, and writer. David spends his time as Founder & Principal of Kind Wealth, a virtual family office helping business owners optimize their finances and maximize their return on life. David also produces and hosts The Impact Investing Podcast and frequently speaks at conferences and in the media (The Globe & Mail, The Toronto Star, BNN Bloomberg, CNBC Africa, etc.).
Previously, David was Managing Director of Origin Capital, the impact investing division of World Vision Canada. Before that, he co-founded Eden Valley Partners, an advisory practice managing discretionary portfolios and providing financial planning to high-net-worth Canadians. David spent the first 13 years of his career with Morningstar in both Canada and South Africa in a variety of Director level roles, where he specialized in Investment Manager Research.
David holds a BA in English Literature from the University of Toronto, an MBA from the Rotman School of Business, and the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) designation.
Casual bio
492 Words | 2838 Characters with Spaces
In clichéd fashion, my life was transformed when I met a girl. I know, boy meets girl, how original! But her influence led me to take a six-week sabbatical from my job on Bay Street to spend that time volunteering in Sierra Leone with one of the world’s largest humanitarian organizations. My goal was to learn about how they were using microfinance to help end poverty.
The trip was an emotional roller coaster that left me, at once, angry, sad, inspired, and motivated to do something about the appalling inequality I had witnessed. I didn’t realize it then, but two years later I would move to South Africa. Four years after that, I would quit my job in the institutional investment world and move home to pursue work that I felt could make a bigger social impact.
This work included co-founding a traditional financial advisory practice that integrated philanthropy with financial planning for retirement-age Canadians. It also included three years leading the impact investing division of the same INGO I had volunteered with all those years ago in Sierra Leone. During this time, I spent evenings and weekends working to get Kind Wealth off the ground.
I’m passionate about Kind Wealth because during my 20 years of working in financial services, I came to see the underbelly of the industry and the many ways in which it took advantage of clients, the very people it claims to serve. I have also built a deep understanding of how people’s money choices impact the world around us: whether it be decisions about saving, spending, investing, or donating, it all leaves a footprint, for better or worse. I am excited to be building a wealth management practice that actually lives out its values, treats clients fairly, and helps them reach their financial goals in a way they can feel good about.
On a personal note, I am a passionate advocate for equality of all stripes but maintain a particular focus on fighting for gender equality and against wealth inequality. I have a wide set of eclectic and often incongruous interests. In what feels like a lifetime ago, I was a competitive boxer in both Canada and South Africa. As such, I spent a great many hours punching other people in the face. Yet I’ve spent even more time traveling to developing countries trying to understand the root causes of wealth inequality and how I could help tackle it.
In recent years I have been on a quest to simplify my life, be content with less, and stay mindful of the impact my life choices have on the world around us. I am currently working on eating less meat and reducing my family’s consumption by purchasing or bartering for second-hand goods. Oh, and in case you’re wondering, that girl I mentioned at the top of my bio, the one who changed my life, I ended up marrying her and having two strong-willed, socially conscious girls together.
Bachelor of Arts, English Literature & Philosophy - University of Toronto
Masters in Business Administration - Rotman School of Management
Certified Financial Analyst (CFA) - CFA Institute
Qualified Associate Financial Planners (QAFP) - FP Canada
Canadian Securities Course (CSC) - Canadian Securities Institute
Conduct & Best Practices Handbook (CPH) - Canadian Securities Institute
Certified Professional Impact Analyst (CPIA) - Queens University
The Challenges of Global Poverty Certificate Course - EdX
More About Me

I have three amazing women/girls in my life who challenge me and make me laugh every single day.
I am a former competitive boxer and find the sport endlessly fascinating despite the fact that I am a pacifist.
I love experiencing new cultures and have lived, worked, and traveled throughout over 40 countries
Fun Fact: I have been on TV in 3 different​ continents.
I try hard to eat less red meat but I think hamburgers are the greatest food ever invented (Shake Shack is the reigning champ).
I am an outspoken advocate for the oxford comma and can't sit idly by when editing a document that has two spaces between sentences.
My wife has taught me to appreciate the second-hand economy. We buy/sell used stuff, trade, and barter for a shockingly large percentage of our consumption.